Thursday, September 17, 2009

Muse - The Resistance

(listen to it here:

There is only one word I can use to fully describe Muse.


Muse has shown time and time again that they can successfully produce an album full of different types of music, from latin to heavy metal, in one album without it sounding corny. That alone is something amazing. From their first album, "Showbiz", to their 2006 album "Black Holes and Revelations" they have had strong music and lyrics to back them up. But what about their brand new album "The Resistance?" Some have said that it sounds too much like their heroes, and others say that they are getting too much into synthesizers, the answers to both I intend to reveal in this review.

The first track, "Uprising," is an simple yet upbeat song with a strong back beat. Even though this has been the headline song of this album, I sometimes find it slightly annoying. The thing that irritates me the most is the trumpet that can sometimes be heard in the main synthesizer riff. I don't know what it is about that part that irritates me so much, but it does. Another thing I find while listening to the song is that it always feels like there is something missing, I don't know what it is, but I know it's not there. Overall, I still enjoy the song for the most part even though it sounds like I hate it.

"Resistance," the second song, is not what i expected it to be judging by the title and the fact that it bears the name of the album, but it was pleasant surprise. I really enjoy the beginning swell, and how the song builds up, but still keeping its cool at the same time.

I really enjoy it when a band tries something completely different from what they normally do, and I think that "Undisclosed Desires" really accomplishes that. Chris Schulz described it this way-
"Undisclosed Desires is an R&B number complete with slap-bass that should have Timbaland asking for royalties"
If you had told me before this album that there would be a Timbaland style R&B song on the new Muse album, I would have been very skeptical as to how it would turn out, but oddly enough, I was impressed.

"United States of Eurasia" is a very clear salute to '70s superstars, Queen. Most critics bash this songs for sounding almost exactly like Queen in some parts, but I really enjoy it and there is enough variety to call it original. The string part after the chorus takes me to a very specific image. This is going to sound funny, but I always picture an army of people riding elephants. I also enjoy the piano part at the end, which you think should sound misplaced, but it doesn't, and that is what always impresses me about Muse.

Taking up the fifth spot on the album is "Guiding Light." This song would have fit in all too well in the '80s, but again, oddly enough, I really enjoy this song. Normally when I refer to the bulk of the music from the '80s, I refer to is simply as "The Crapstorm." That being said I find it amazing that I actually enjoy this song. The guitar solo especially will take you right back to the power ballads of the 80's.

"Unnatural Selection" is probably my favorite song on the album. It makes me think of a young garage band with a ton of pent up energy and anxiety, but it also has the sophistication of a more seasoned group. At about the 3:20 mark in the song it really takes a different turn, and it almost feels like the song is melting away as you listen, the guitars slightly out of tune. Eventually, the song builds back up to the original feel, and it explodes in the end. It's an all around full song that makes a full 360 while still flowing.

"MK Ultra" makes it hard for me to pick a favorite song from this album. I was surprised to find out that the main part is actually done with a guitar and not a synthesizer. If you know anything about the real MK Ultra program, this song almost feels like a soundtrack to that whole controversy. This song almost makes you feel like you are in a drugged up stupor when you listen to it. It's not easy to describe, so I would recommend listening to it yourself.

On a side note, if you haven't heard of MK Ultra, I highly recommend that you research it. I'm not really into government conspiracies and I believe this. I should also add that it's pretty disturbing, so don't watch it if you don't think you can handle it.

I'm still not really sure if I like "I Belong To You" yet. I'm not even really sure what to say about it. It really sounds like a corny theme song for an badly done romantic comedy. Again, listen to this one yourself and make up your own mind, because I can't even make up my own on this one.

The last three tracks are all parts of the Exogenisis symphony. The great thing about Exogenisis is how Muse incorporated the symphony into a regular guitar, bass and drums setting without it being corny, which is a great accomplishment. These three tracks are really the crown jewel of this album, and you can really tell that this was very meticulously planned and thought out when you listen to it. This is another one of those songs that is very hard to describe and you really have to experience it yourself.

There are a few times on the album that I find myself almost irritated, and the almost part is very important. Here are a few of the times I described:
-"It could be wrong" backing vocals on "Resistance"
-"EuraSIA!" on "United States of Eurasia"
- all of "I Belong to You"

Overall, I think that even though most of the album isn't unified to one specific genre of music, you have to give credit to Muse for doing things exactly how they want to, completely uncensoring their musical ideas. I give the album a 4/5.

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